About Rekindle

We know that an agile, resilient and high-performing organisation must also be a learning organisation. Do you?

Our app is built on an award-winning AI data analytics platform.
Ten Micro-Facts About Rekindle
Rekindle is
A scalable platform, proudly born in South Africa, to help companies manage change by transforming their people.
Our purpose
Get the gold that's locked inside the heads of top performers onto the devices of everyone in your company.
Our mission
To help organisations build the workforces they need to stay ahead of the changing world of work.
Our superpower
Get the gold that's locked inside the heads of top performers into minds of everyone in your company.
Our hashtag
Grow with the workflow.
Learning isn't
A product of teaching; learning is a product of the activity of learners, which Rekindle ignites.
Training isn’t
Filling a vessel but about rekindling a flame.
A happy life
Is one spent learning, earning, and yearning.
Know thyself…
To us, it’s how humans and companies bloom.
Rekindle’s birthday
On {day and month} 2017.

Services SETA
Accreditation No: 13993 -
Financial Planning Institute.
Recognised CPD Provider:
Your Executive Team

Sally Nhlanhla
Prior Roles: CEO – Covenant Securities Solutions, MD Excel Inc, Digital Sales Manager – Pearson

Rapelang Rabana
Prior Board Roles: African Leadership University, Standard Chartered Bank Education Trust, Standard Charted Bank Botswana World Economic Forum Young Global Leader

Hilton Jacobson
Previous roles: CTO – Betweiser, Senior Developer – Yeigo and Telfree